Add a location from within the client dashbaord

Mathew Torres

Can we have an option in the client's dashboard to add a location? Ideally, we would have a setting in our agency dashboard that would allow us to set rules for this. For example, if we charge per location, it will take them to a payment screen to pay for the location. Or if we sell a set number of locations, we can allocate that number in the dashboard. For example, if we sold a client 5 locations, and they want to add each one at their leisure, they would have the option to click something that sats "Add Location" or something similar, and they can go through the process of adding the location. All those locations would also be accessible from their own dashboard via the dropdown menu.


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I think this feature was implemented yesterday (18 months after you asked for it). However, I'm not sure if the client can add new locations on their own, and if they can, whether it generates a redirect to Stripe to modify the subscription.


Giacomo Chinellato

Status changed to: Under review


Victor Banderas

Yes, please! this is a must for clients with several locations

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Marketing Cash Cow

This is very important. Many small ma and pa shops have more than one location and business name. Allowing multiple businesses under a single master profile is a vital upgrade to the platform to refrain from discouraging customers from signing up if they indeed have more than one businesses or locations.

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