Add business name to Negative Feedback Notification Email

Makoto Kazama

Hi Team,

Please add the business name to the negative feedback notification email subject line or body.

For example, I have 3 business locations, so I need to add 3 businesses. But I link all 3 businesses to my email address. When someone left negative feedback on one of my businesses, the email body only tells me what they have left. But don't tell me which business is it. I have to log in to my dashboard and search for it manually. Imagine what if a business owner got 10 businesses, this gonna be a very bad experience for him/her. So I suggest adding the business name to the negative feedback email subject line or body.

This will look very professional and waive a lot of headaches for the business owners and us.


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Martin Andersen

I just noticed that the negative feedback sent via email to my clients is sent from norepy@climboemails.com.

Climbo, it has been almost a year since you claimed to have removed any mention of Climbo EVERYWHERE.
- How has this not been sorted ????????

Please fix this - everyone affected by this is risking all the time and energy they put into building their brand every single time one of our clients gets negative feedback.



they probably can add a token [business_name]


Giacomo Chinellato

Status changed to: Under review