Blake Bentley

Although there is the option to remove filtering as a customer, it would be nice to be able to remove this feature completely from our end as apart of the “feature limits” being revealed in 2.0. I would like the option of not even offer the feature to clients becuase if they are not clear on the function of it completely and their profile gets banned by google, they will try to hold us responsible even if we are not at fault.
This will still allow people to offer it if they choose so and even sell it as an UPSELL if they would like AND minimize the product even more. Options are good!


Activity Newest / Oldest



People trust reviews because review censorship is not tolerated.

62% of global consumers say they would stop using a platform for good if they found reviews were censored.

70% of these respondents think that the censorship of customer reviews is a “serious” concern.
(source: www.luisazhou.com/blog/online-review-statistics/ ) .

I would like my client have the possibility to decide whether to show all ratings from 1-5 stars directly and be transparent to their clients. Or to filter the reviews as it is now - but also to keep the Private Review option available.


Giacomo Chinellato

Status changed to: Under review


Blake Bentley

Currently, People have the ability to either "filter reviews" or not based on a setting that they select in the app. Some agencies may want to not even allow that as an option at all & encourage review practices that will never be questioned by Google.
Other agencies may want to sell this feature as an upsell to customers. It would be nice to be able to either turn this feature completely on or off from OUR end instead of leaving it up to the customer so it could be removed or added as an upsell.
I propose this could be a great "feature limit" that they are proposing in 2.0.


Adam Pavitt

Could you please clarify the problem here please. I'm not clear.