It seems absolutely essential to store, for each establishment, the list of sent invitations to avoid sending new invitations to customers who have already posted a review or clicked on the link to do so, and to stop sending invitations when they have already received 3 (with the flexibility to modify this number) and have never clicked on the link to post a review.
Activity Newest / Oldest
This would definitely be amazing! The difficulty, however, is identifying who has submitted a review, as customers are directed away from our website when they click to leave one, leaving us unable to track if they truly submitted a review. Still, as NEXUS pointed out, we can filter out those who clicked to submit a review, which is an improvement over the current situation.
AJ Nieuwoudt
I have been requesting this for some time now. Hopefully you have more luck😉
Hi, how many votes did you get? Do you have a link to your request in the roadmap?
AJ Nieuwoudt
I think I've requested it about 2 times, then after a couple of weeks the posts just dissapear