Instant Review Notifications


Our clients should be able to opt in to receive instant notifications when they receive a new review. Currently review notifications are being received the day after they receive a new review. Additionally clients should be able to receive sms notifications that a new review was received.


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Zin Ng

We need this feature as soon as possible. When someone reviews, it needs to show up on the app, notification, or SMS same time to the client.


Giacomo Chinellato

Status changed to: Under review


Giacomo Chinellato

Status changed to: Open


Giacomo Chinellato

Status changed to: Under review


Giacomo Chinellato

Status changed to: Open


Giacomo Chinellato

Status changed to: Closed


Marketing Cash Cow

Yes.. we need this badly!!

In addition, Id like to see analytics showing who opened the email/rxd text, who unsubscribed (if our WL Climbo even has the unsubscribe option in the email and text as required in the US) with the data who left the review.

Receiving only partual analytics does not give anyone a clear or full picture. We've asked for these analytfor a long time and have seen no progress.

By-the-way, does the update reviews button work yet? That's basic that doesnt work.

Google notifies users the instant they receive a review. Why must we wait at least 24 hours to get same data in the wrong timezone?

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Carson W

Both of these are great ideas.



This or the ability to control what time and how many times a day it checks and notifies instead of a global set of rules based on a completely different time zone.

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