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Logos with a horizontal layout can appear disproportionately small on landing pages, affecting their visibility and impact.
im still waiting update on this request. it shouldn't be that hard.
80% of logos on cell phone are way to small. Can we please get this fixed? Looks bad.
Is it still under review? It shouldn't be that hard guys. You are gonna change the ratio that's it.
Not sure what's taking so long for a minor ratio size adjustment. Seems like this can be resolved super quickly.
It been a year already and still the same.
Any update on this?
Does anybody know what's going on? Is it still under review since been 2 months?
Does anybody know what the status of this matter is?
Status changed to: Under review
Status changed to: Open
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im still waiting update on this request. it shouldn't be that hard.
Willie Watkins
80% of logos on cell phone are way to small. Can we please get this fixed? Looks bad.
Is it still under review? It shouldn't be that hard guys. You are gonna change the ratio that's it.
Sarah Stinnett
Not sure what's taking so long for a minor ratio size adjustment. Seems like this can be resolved super quickly.
It been a year already and still the same.
Any update on this?
Does anybody know what's going on? Is it still under review since been 2 months?
Does anybody know what the status of this matter is?
Giacomo Chinellato
Status changed to: Under review
Giacomo Chinellato
Status changed to: Open
Giacomo Chinellato
Status changed to: Under review