Option to use emoji for initial ratings

Tony H

I propose that you introduce the option to use an emoticon-based ratings. Instead of asking customers to rate businesses on a numerical scale, we would present them with three simple options: a sad face, a straight face, and a happy face. This would not only simplify the screening process but also provide a more intuitive and engaging way for customers to express their satisfaction level.

The proposed workflow would be as follows:

  1. Ask customers to rate their experience using one of the three emoticons.
  2. If a customer selects the sad or straight face, route them to internal correspondence for further feedback.
  3. If a customer selects the happy face, route them to Google, Facebook, etc. for a public review.

I believe this small change would eliminate the redundancy of the current system and provide a more user-friendly and engaging experience for the customers. It would also allow us to capture more nuanced feedback from customers who might be more inclined to share their thoughts when presented with a simple and intuitive feedback system.


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Giacomo Chinellato

Status changed to: Under review


Mark UK

The thumbs up or down to a question like "would you recommend us?" makes a lot of sense. Thumbs up going to a review site where the person who recommends is likely to give at least 4 stars, or more. Thumbs down internalised.


Tony H

Super stoked to see that this functionality appears to be planned based on the most recent AMA!!

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In the past I believe there was a thumbs up and a thumbs down. I would like to see there be a few options that the user can choose from based on what they feel is appropriate for their business and customers.

So far the ones that come to mind are:

1 - Star Rating
2 - Emoticon
3 - Thumbs Up/Down

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Tony H

Even better. I think it would be nice to give each business owner the option to choose what works for their particular market.

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