SMS broadcasting feature

Omar Nieves

I’d like to suggest a broadcast messaging feature for Climbo. This would let businesses send mass text messages directly from the platform to their customer database. For example, a business could announce a '10% off' holiday deal or other promotions, ensuring quick communication with their customers. The feature should include options to customize the message and schedule it in advance. It would be an excellent tool for driving engagement and boosting sales, especially during peak seasons.

This feature can be tied to higher tier paid options packages


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Cimi Ganjolla

That's a brillant idea. I find it very useful too. It would provide a lot of value to clients.


Dan Whiting

Hello, we have this now SMS can send 100 text messages at one time.


Omar Nieves

Hi Dan, currently the messafing feature can only send review requests. What I'm suggesting is the ability to send custom messages in order to broadcast exclusive deals and content.


Omar Nieves


William Yombo

It makes sense indeed. The ability to get customers contact informations via the Qr code for example or keep a data base in the platform, then a smooth integration with a tool like mailchimp will be awesome. The idea is good anyway

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