Token limit and custom prompt for AI Reply

Mathew Torres

I think it would be great if there was an option in our business settings where we could set some parameters for the AI Reply.

Limit Token Amount: Being able to set the token amount, this would be ideal so that we can have it generate shorter responses.

Custom prompt: I think it would be beneficial if there was a section where we can override the default prompt, and use our own. I think if we had this ability, it would give each client account the flexibility to craft a response how they would like it. The responses can be wildly different based on the prompt.

I also think including some of the other variable settings, like temperature would also be helpful and give each client a way to further customize their Ai responses.


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Indeed, being able to set a specific response tone for certain clients, or even a detailed default response instead of a short one, would be great features.


Giacomo Chinellato

Status changed to: Under review


Giacomo Chinellato

Status changed to: Open


Giacomo Chinellato

Status changed to: Under review


Mark UK

Totally agree with Mathew on the aspect of clients being able to customise AI responses to meet the needs of their business.


Mark UK

Could the business find value in using this feature, similar to the one at chat.openai.com/? It enables customisation of writing styles to match their preferences, whether formal, informal, concise, or otherwise.



I totally agree with this. Over time, people will start to get tired of reading canned replies. The more we can customise the reply the better for everyone.