4-5 star click redirects straight to review on Google

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Giacomo Chinellato

If a customer has already rated the landing page with 4 or 5 stars, this option will be automatically selected on the final Google review page, reducing one step for the customer.


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Giacomo Chinellato

Status changed to: Live


Mark UK

Please make this device dependent. Eg if Android go to Google since android devices usually require a google account to install apps via Google Play. iPhone users may or may NOT have a google account. Directing them direct to Google is counter productive if they do not have a google account as they wouldn't be able to leave a review.


Markian Sich

WOW I literally just asked for this via the help tickets over the weekend! So glad this is planned!



Any update on this feature please ?


Eric Caldwell

This would be fantastic to have and remove some friction for reviews.


Alok Gandhi

Any update on this?



@Giacomo Chinellato : Also, if we choose 'Star filter disabled' for the Initial page, the customer must be redirected to Google review page. No need to ask to click on the Platform (Only Google in this case).
Result : When the customer clicks on go.climbo.com/review-page, he must be redirected to Google review page


Egbert Neinders

Great Feature. Does this also mean, that when you only offer Google Reviews as a platform, they will be sent directly to the final google review page?


Estelle L.

Agreed as others said, this condition must to be when only 1 platform is selected by the client!

Other clients that chose to have a choice, still need to display their choices!


Mark UK

Could you allow this feature be configurable as some clients may not want this? They may prioritise an industry specific site above Google in which case could it go there instead?


Oleks Chokov

Would It be possible to do this when there is only one platform integrated? I sell Climbo to restaurant owners and it would be great if it would be possible to have a straight redirect to TripAdvisor too.

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Eric C.

The conditions for this would have to be that I have activated Google as the only platform. Otherwise there is never a free choice of platform if I have several activated and someone gives 4 or 5 stars.

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Giacomo Chinellato

Status changed to: Planned