Custom Welcome Email

Giacomo Chinellato

You will be able to customize welcome emails for new users.


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Will it be possible to write the same message in multiple languages? I'm thinking particularly about hotels or restaurants that receive international clientele in my geographical area. Ideally, the content should be available in multiple languages on the same screen/mail. Example:

EN: Your feedback is invaluable; it allows us to aim for excellence and alerts us if we have not met your expectations.

FR: Vos retours sont précieux, ils nous permettent de viser l'excellence et d'être alertés si nous n'avons pas été à la hauteur de vos attentes.

IT: Il vostro feedback è prezioso; ci permette di puntare all'eccellenza e ci allerta se non abbiamo soddisfatto le vostre aspettative.

DE: Ihr Feedback ist wertvoll; es ermöglicht uns, nach Exzellenz zu streben und alarmiert uns, falls wir Ihren Erwartungen nicht entsprochen haben.

With flags rather than a two-letter code to indicate the language.


Mike Price

Looking forward to seeing this live soon!

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Giacomo Chinellato

Status changed to: In progress



Is there any news on this essential feature?

Could you please at least enhance the existing welcome email in the meantime (by translating it and giving it a more professional layout/content)?

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Thomas Feuerstein

How long out will take?


Giacomo Chinellato

Status changed to: Planned