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You will be able to add unlimited custom integrations and to change the integration icon.
Much needed feature, any updates please?
Any update on this?
Essential feature and probably easy to implement
Any update? It has been planned for almost a year.......
Any update on this, also if you can have option of multiple amazon integration; we would be able to list all the products of the client.
Also including changing the integration icon of normal integration like Trustpilot? That logo now looks childish and not professional.
Any update on this feature?
It is an emergency !
would love an update to this feature :) Thanks
Testing now on Wayne's suggestion for Carfax. Waiting for it to propagate. But Yes multiple are going to be must.
Status changed to: Planned
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Tamas Mezosi
Much needed feature, any updates please?
Any update on this?
Essential feature and probably easy to implement
Any update? It has been planned for almost a year.......
Suhaib Mohamed
Any update on this, also if you can have option of multiple amazon integration; we would be able to list all the products of the client.
Ard Freke
Also including changing the integration icon of normal integration like Trustpilot? That logo now looks childish and not professional.
Any update on this feature?
Julie Castelli
It is an emergency !
Alok Gandhi
would love an update to this feature :) Thanks
Testing now on Wayne's suggestion for Carfax. Waiting for it to propagate. But Yes multiple are going to be must.
Giacomo Chinellato
Status changed to: Planned