Upgraded and Customized Widgets

Giacomo Chinellato

More personalized widgets:
- Choose the number of reviews displayed
- More layout options
- Choose whether or not to show the total number of reviews or the entire header
- Choose the number of slides
- Autoplay
- Speed
- Sort
- Hide reviewer's names option
- Video Testimonial Upgrade: display video testimonials in a more favourable, video wall (feed).


Activity Newest / Oldest


Hajo Rappe

Check this site for some ideas, they have really great templates and even a transparent version that integrates perfectly in every website: elfsight.com/google-reviews-widget/



An option for something more discreet/simple for the popup would be perfect.
Some of the reviews are really long, so take up a lot of space. Perhaps a read more link allowing the website visitor to see more if they want to?



We definitely need more options for the widgets in general, in order to allow our customers to customize them freely to their needs and integrate them well into their website/identity.
A first basic optimization should be done asap in order to make the widgets more useful and attractive for our customers, but in the longer term there should be a more in-depth overhaul of the widget system.

In general:
- Allow us to change the style of the widget (fonts, colors, backgrounds, borders, border-radius, etc.) or to at least add CSS to the widget
- Allow us to choose which reviews to show (latest, featured, by source, by star rating, by tag/category, manual list of reviews, etc.)
- Allow us to choose the order (latest, oldest, by rating, random, etc.)
- Allow us to choose the number of reviews to show
- Allow us to show/hide every item of the review (source, name, profile pic, date, rating, text, etc.)
- Allow us to truncate review texts and link to complete review (or view full text by clicking on "show more")
- For the widgets that display reviews, allow us to choose between different predefined card/slide styles (e.g. left/right/centered alignment, profile picture overlayed and partially coming out of the card, name/avatar above/below/left/right, different avatar sizes, etc.) and allow us to customize the styles (colors, backgrounds, fonts, borders, etc.)

- Allow us to change the number of columns shown (distinguishing by different breakpoints for computer, tablet and mobile)
- Allow us to show/hide arrows and dots
- Allow us to define the maximum number of reviews shown
- Allow us to change the duration of the carousel (slide duration and effect duration)

- Allow us to choose different layouts: list (as it is now), grid (with number of columns/rows, equal/fixed height, spacing for columns/rows, etc.), masonry, etc.
- Allow us to define paging style (load more, dots, page numbers, etc.)

- Allow end users to close the popup (allowing them to choose a duration in days and/or "Never show again", or allowing admins to define a duration)
- Allow us to define the style of the popup (e.g. "come-and-go" popup that opens and closes with single reviews as it is now, a popup that stays open and shows a review carousel, minimalistic popup with the overall rating and the total number of reviews plus "Leave review" button, a popup with source badges/ratings and "Leave review" button, a more vertical "summary" popup with overall ratings plus a list of reviews and a "Leave review" button, etc.)

- Allow us to choose between different types of badges (e.g. overall rating and number of reviews, sources with ratings per source, "Leave review" button, etc.)
- As an alternative to the above point, allow us to choose which items to show/hide in the badge (overall rating, number of reviews, sources, rating/reviews per source, "Leave review" button, "Powered by platform" footer, etc.)

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Giacomo Chinellato

Status changed to: Planned