Language per User

Giacomo Chinellato

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Any update concerning this essential feature requested for almost one year, please?

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Seb Gardies

Hi Giacomo, I agree, we really need this feature, way more than a prospecting tool... I hope Climbo team can focus on fixing the basic foundations (languages, GRPD...) before developing new features.

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Hi Giacomo,

I'm wondering about the lack of response from Climbo regarding this feature. The Climbers have been requesting it for at least 6 months, and it is a very legitimate request. What technical difficulty does it pose that it hasn't been done after 6 months, and the Climbers haven't even received answers to their questions?

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Domenico Romano

In Belgium where we speak Dutch, French and English as primary languages, this would be very useful.

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Seb Gardies

Can we have an ETA for that please?

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Julie Castelli

it looks like a emergency for me

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On top of what's been suggested below, would it be possible to select multiple languages for emails/communication? I'm thinking particularly about hotels or restaurants that receive international clientele in my geographical area. Ideally, the content should be available in multiple languages on the same screen. Example:

EN: Your feedback is invaluable; it allows us to aim for excellence and alerts us if we have not met your expectations.

FR: Vos retours sont précieux, ils nous permettent de viser l'excellence et d'être alertés si nous n'avons pas été à la hauteur de vos attentes.

IT: Il vostro feedback è prezioso; ci permette di puntare all'eccellenza e ci allerta se non abbiamo soddisfatto le vostre aspettative.

DE: Ihr Feedback ist wertvoll; es ermöglicht uns, nach Exzellenz zu streben und alarmiert uns, falls wir Ihren Erwartungen nicht entsprochen haben.

With flags rather than a two-letter code to indicate the language.

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Julie Castelli

Don't forget to translate e-mails system too when user change the plateform language :-)

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Marco Mastella

the admin should be able to choose the language of its client when he creates them.

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Alex Jax

When creating a new user, the default language is set to English (EN). If the user doesn't change the language preference in their account, all emails will continue to be in English.

It would be helpful to have a feature that allows us to set the default language for a client's account right from the start. This way, any users added under that client account would automatically have the chosen default language.

I hope this helps! Thank you!

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Giacomo Chinellato

Status changed to: Planned